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Yuvraj bashing ponting

You can see the Happiness in Yuvraj's eye but desperation in Ponting.This is the hard fact of life. Let us accept it. The pix is also very much humorous.
The journey of life.
To imbibe the true nectar of life one needs to understand life quite spiritually. To start with there was no materialism during the start of human life. The duty of male was to reproduce and also protect his territory and that of the females was to give birth and take care of the offspring.During medieval times there was no fear of any contemporary diseases which were uncommon during those days. Seldom we fell sick. The true life of our ancestors is based on Charles Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. The predominant threat come from the wildlife and from the epidemics.
Life in the fast lane.
Dear All,
As you all know that life is moving at a brisker pace than it used to be in yesteryears. People are unaware of the repercussions of their action on the nature. Because of the brisk pace we do not know at times what is happening in this world we will just move in to a spell of depression. People are under going acute depression and even they are full of hallucination. Come I will tell you how to live life full fledged so that we leave even a stone unturned come on let us hit the road.
For now/regards