God has given us mind and body so as to enjoy and fulfil our desires on Earth. But money is not the only avenue for contentment of our desires. There are far more things on this Earth than just money and other intrinsic desires which soothes the sensory organs of our body. To reach a sense of nirvana hard work and being benevolent in the needs and deeds of others is the only means. A person will feel a sense of security if he is not after personal gains.
What does a person need. He needs food,shelter,clothes and certain other necessary items required for official and household use. He can accumulate money only for his day to day needs,basic needs in fact. But the trend of the modern world is changing it is far more materialistic and there is still never ending voracious demands which is killing the mother Earth and making her barren and with no resources for the next generation. Bolivia is the first country to pass the nature law which prohibits the meddling with the nature. The law sees to that there is a balance between the human beings and the nature.Pure water, Pure air and restraint on industries are some of the policies under this. It also includes the right for all living beings on this earth to sustain.
A human being will only reach a state of nirvana only if he is not after personal gains.The mayhem, the type of disturbance in a city is so annoying and painful that a contemporary person will die within he reaches forty of age.Infertility,Diabetes. Blood pressure, Myopia. Osteoporosis.Hypermetropia,and other deadly diseases are so common amongst youngsters living in a city. The same disease you can hardly find in a countryside where people are less urbanised and are hard working for long hours .They eat healthy natural food and the water is crystal clear pure unlike in a city where the water is polluted and people eat junk food all the time.
Urbanisation is equivalent to personal gains. People throng into cities hoping that they can reach their goal by hook or by crook.If things don't work out in the legally for them they can go to the extent of looting and killing of innocent people ultimately stating that the society has done nothing to them. A live example was what had happened in london just a couple of weeks ago causing large scale vandalism of public property and killing of innocent people.
Life is life only if we lead it healthily. Youngsters go a step ahead of drinking,smoking, substance abuse.adultery and other immoral things at such a young age. Such things should be banned from the society.It is understood that no human is perfect and all are sinners. But there are hazards of the society caused because of urbanisation and materialism as a whole.
A person is good only when is leading a simple and healthy life.There is saying that we must eat to live rather than live to eat.Buy things which are only needed for the moment. Stop buying unwanted things which are not needed at all. This will bring about a huge change on this Earth and will make Earth a better place to live for everyone.